Weekly Update 7July23

Hi guys, sorry it’s been a couple weeks since I checked in. I want to let you know I’ve been out traveling doing interviews for the next school of Ministry and Worship at Called Christians. I was out with the other teachers talking to people about coming to school. Orientation day is July 29th, if you could be praying for that. Tgen the school year starts the 1st of August.

We have our final list of people were going to invite to attend. Now we did have more applicants than we have spots available so unfortunately some people who applied aren’t going to be able to come this year. We’re praying they will reapply next year.

Those students are being called today, which is Friday. Prayers for the next school of ministry and worship please, for those souls that are coming and that we could do well on making disciples that make disciples.

Also wanted to share about fundraising for the school. It looks like it takes about $329 and change per person, per month to run the school m. If you aren’t currently donating I’d like to ask you to donate either $50 a month $100 a month or if you want to sponsor one person straight up that’s $330 a month. I’ll include a link here to take you to the donations page. Thank you for praying about that and then being obedient to whatever God tells you .

Besides these interview trips we’ve been getting ready. All the teachers are getting their curriculum prepped, we’re getting the dorms ready, we’ve got a dorm assistant lined up and he’s supposed to start next week.

This reminds me, this weekend we are going to the village of Waibale to do a roundtable. The topic is: why do children of leaders fail? I think this is going to be a very interesting conversation. It’s one of those questions people have but they don’t really want to ask it because it’s somehow awkward. I’m excited for the topic and I think we are going to do it again in Jinja in August so that the people here can hear it as well. Prayers for the roundtable.

My random request for this week is I’m looking for a Pictionary game. I don’t know if anyone has one that they are willing to part with or if anybody in the Jinja area knows of where I could buy a Pictionary game? I would love to hear from you if you know. We are planning for some team building time for the next group of students and I think pictionary would be a nice activity we could do together.

So that’s what’s been going on here. Thank you guys so much for standing in the gap for us.

I’m going to talk to you again next week now that I’m back in town. God bless you and have a great week.

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