Support Deb as a Missionary...

PayPal Donation

PayPal and Venmo are set up but if you have a different cash app you prefer please let us know and we will get set up there too.

Deborah Roberts Ministries is a 501c3 organization and your donation may be eligible for a tax deduction.

If you prefer, you can donate through Deb’s sending church, Calvary Albuquerque through Pushpay, please select Deborah Roberts from the dropdown.

Mail a check made out to “Calvary Albuquerque” and mail to 4001 Osuna NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109 in the memo line please write: Deborah Roberts Mission Uganda. 

Current Project

$250 to continue making Gardenview pretty and welcoming for the students, a nice place to study and relax. Next step is the louver wall, and adding a few plants….

$160 desk for Deb’s house

$500 study bibles for the students 

$1000 graffiti wall

$850 replace rotted facets on education building

Please pray and see what God wants you to be involved with…

Thank you for your support mentally, physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually, together we are advancing the Kingdom.

Much love friends… God Bless!