God has asked Deborah to serve the people of Uganda. She is currently serving at Called Christians in Jinja, Uganda as the Director of Education working to make disciples that can make disciples.
For a list of prayer requests, please see below
For a list of needed items, please click here
To see where Deb will be/set up a meeting, please see below
Meet with Deb
6 November 6:00-8:30pm Kiosk in the main hallway
9 November 6:00-830pm Kiosk in the main hallway
10 November 8:30-12:30pm Kiosk in the main hallway
13 November 2:00-8:00pm at SoPo
15 November 9:00-12:00pm at SoPo
Care Team Meetings Fall of 2024
Albuquerque, New Mexico , 17 November 1:00-2:30pm in H03 of the Hub on the campus of Calvary Church NM (4001 Osuna NE)
Board of Directors Meeting, beginning of November, in Albuquerque
Uganda Mission Team and Care Team Reunion, 30 November 8:30-10:30 in Albuquerque, TBA
Please send me a note if you want to meet individually for coffee Deb@NowDeb.com we can catch up and trade stories about what God is doing in our lives.
Prayer Requests:
For the school:
God make clear what He wants the students to learn
Teachers, God prepare their hearts and their lesson plans
Students, God prepare their hearts, travel and help in rearranging their lives to attend, change them, mold them more into His image
Support items, like the facilities, study materials, people
Opportunities for students to live out what they are learning
Deborah to Administer for His glory
For provision to run the school monthly
Any other way the Spirit leads you to pray for the students, teachers, and their families

For Called Christians
CalledChristians.org has many ministries serving the people of Uganda and East Africa.
For Deborah
To grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Guidance on creating staff development that is culturally relevant and Christ based
Continued healing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
Provision to pay for furlough in the fall of 2024
Provision, estimated budget of $57,600 to run the school of ministry, and live and serve at Called Christians for one year (4,800/month)
100 people to donate $48/month to cover the estimated yearly budget
Any other way the Spirit leads you to pray for Deborah and the mission

Partner Financially
Please consider a monthly or one time donation, your donation is eligible for tax deduction on your U.S. taxes.
To donate directly to Deborah click here (may be eligible for U.S. tax deduction).
To donate through the sending church Calvary Albuquerque – Global Missions click here please select “Deborah Roberts Uganda SOM” from the dropdown menu.
Mail a check made out to “Calvary Albuquerque” and mail to 4001 Osuna NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109 in the memo line please write: Deborah Roberts Mission SOM Uganda.
Click here to see a list of needed items.
Stay up to date with Deb and the mission each week, learn about what’s happening and how you can be praying. You can get this in video, text, or audio.