November 30th 830-10am monthly care team meeting live at Golden Coral (2701 Coors Blvd). Prayers for students, self confrontation, roundtable, healing Deb’s legs, final weeks of furlough….
Happy holidays everybody.I wantto share some prayer request this week. I know I’ve been making videos every couple weeks since I’ve been in the US instead of every week but I want you guys to do some praying if you are willing.
First of all, I am just so thankful that God made Peter and little Bev. Their birthdays are today! I got some videos of them being washed. This is a tradition in Uganda. On your birthday people throw water on you. Peter made a good effort to get away but you can only run for so long. Check out the web page and I’ll I’ll throw up a couple videos and pictures of that.
For the students in the school, they’re getting ready to do their midterms in a couple weeks. When I get back, they’ll do their midterms, then it’s Christmas, and then half the school year is over!! Can you believe that, it’s gone by so quickly.
The students are starting self confrontation, not this next week but the week after. Please pray for them as they start to look at themselves in light of God’s Word.
Roundtable is happening again, how does God feel about Sin? I’m going to miss that one but I will be able to sit in on them again in January cuz I am going to return the day after this event.
Now for the last couple weeks that I am in the United States. I’m going to be at the West Side campus of Calvary in Albuquerque this weekend. I would love to see you or if you don’t go there let’s grab coffee… please reach out to me. I’m trying to reach out to so many people but there’s only so much time. I’m a little slower from the crutches but I’m still moving!
The Golden Corral over off Coors and interstate 40 is where we’ll meet Saturday the 30th of November, the last Saturday of the month, for the care team meeting. I’m going to do it live, giving updates on things that are going on in Uganda, some of the strategic planning and the projects we have coming up for 2025. Plus I have a big announcement about the ministry and I’m going to give away some merchandise. I would love to bless you with something and talk to you about what God is doing in Uganda. You must be present to win merchandise. For those of you who are not in Albuquerque, I will start a zoom call so that you can log in and see and hear everything that’s happening.
Thank you guys for praying for everything going on in Uganda and for my time, the little bit of time I have left, here in the US. God bless you guys and I hope to see you Saturday the 30th, that’s from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. (the doors open at 8 so you can grab breakfast first)
Ro, thank you so much for setting that up for us. She said, I can give you $12 breakfast which includes coffee. And I thought, who can turn down all that you can eat bacon for 12 bucks!! Come on friend, we need to tell her thank you for getting us a great deal. God bless you guys, I’ll see you soon.
(to see the video head to Instagram or Facebook.…)