Today is international women’s day. A day to celebrate women and all that they do. It’s actually a holiday in Uganda where everything closes so the ministry is closed today.
We are still hanging out with some of the students. Please pray for them as they continue to see Christ, even on holiday.

And this afternoon I’m going to teach a short communications class for anybody who wants to attend. So prayers for that.

Upcoming, if you could keep covered in prayer, movie night is next week, John Chitwood’s coming soon, we’re going to Nazigo for evangelism tomorrow, the scripture Union Outreach is next week, Easter is coming up. There’s so so much going on.

Then the last prayer request for today would be that the documentary for Called Christians gets completed. And it’s something that Bev is able to use to share about the ministry. So that people can come alongside physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

I sure do appreciate you guys praying for us and coming alongside. God bless you guys and I’ll talk to you again next week.

picture: went to the airport with little Bev “Spev” and Pastor Joseph to pick up Anne. She made it back to us yay!!

if you prefer to watch the update on YouTube follow this link:

if you prefer to listen to the update, there is an audio file below…