Happy Friday everybody, keeping you updated so you can keep us covered in prayer. Thanks for partnering with us in this way.
We saw the pop-up concert last Friday. I think it was successful. We had a great time sharing the Word and some worship music. People wanted us to continue but our time was over so we did leave. We may come back and try it again in the future. Thank you so much for praying for that, I pray God used it.
Also over the weekend I had a care team meeting, which I do the last Saturday of every month. I get on a video call with people and I share stories about things that happened in the ministry over the last month. Then share things that are coming up that people could maybe give advice about and/or pray for. We come together in prayer about things to keep the ministry moving forward and closer to what God has for us all.
John and Rebecca left, they have gone back home. They are at home now, I did verify with them. Yes, they are safely there. Before we took them to the airport we took them on Safari. We saw tons of animals! We had a good, relaxing time. We even played some Farkle, I have not played Farkle in a long time. Do you know how to play Farkle?
When we got back from the big city yesterday, I turned around and immediately went out and invited people to come to the round table. Which is happening later today. Would you guys pray for that. We’re having an open table, which means we don’t have an assigned topic. We’re going to allow people to come and ask whatever questions it is that they have. So prayers that that would go well and people would have the courage to come and ask that question, that burning question. I think everybody has a question. Please that they would be able to come and ask that. Also the men sitting at the table and the emcee would know the answers to the questions. That God would guide them and lead them, give them grace, and the right words. This reminds me that we started the round table for the school of ministry students. They do attend every month and hopefully learn each month too. They have three weeks of school left,can you believe it!? Finals are coming up for them if you guys could keep that covered in prayer. That they could finish well.
Next week we are going to show Pilgrim’s Progress at movie night, the week after that we’re trying a different Outreach. We will take a scale into the middle of town, well two scales, and let people weigh themselves. We will also measure how tall they are. I’m working on a track for that was Pastor Joseph so that we can give them something with their height and weight written down that also talks about the Lord. That’s coming up the 17th. Then finals, right after that graduation.
One more thing if you guys can keep covered in prayers, the students for the school of Ministry next year, that would be amazing.
Thank you so much you guys and I’ll talk to you next week, God bless you.

To watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/ED2eMxL67Wg?si=ElDM6CGtVHxyqJhP