Good morning everybody it’s Friday again and I wanted to keep you updated with some things going on here in Jinga so that you could be praying for us. We so appreciate your prayer coverage.
This week has been a bit crazy. We had Peter and Prossy’s wedding. We had a burial, Joy and Wilson lost their baby. Prayers for both of those couples as they’re both going through life changing things.

The women’s school is starting soon, 9 July.
We also set up a some books for the students because they are arriving soon for the school of ministry. SOM starts at the end of July!

The guys who are in the dorm this year are here and I wanted to introduce you to them. Ismail and Joel are going to be the men living in the dorms, doing that 24-hour discipling. Prayers for them as they step up to disciple others. Because you know our mission is to make a disciple that can make a disciple. We’re trying to do that with these men and they’re trying to do it with the students who are coming.
Thank you guys for praying and I’ll talk to you next week. God bless.

picture: Ismail on left, Joel on right

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