Bday, mutiki outreach, Friday Fuel critical thinking, Ethiopia, guest teacher, roundtable…
Happy Friday everybody !! it’s hot. Oh my goodness it’s been so hot this week. we are melting but we are still surviving. God is good to us.
This week we did have the birthday party for the students. We had a great time and they learned a lot about event planning. We discovered that communication is key. I usually tell them when you’re communicating, you should communicate 10 times more than you currently are. Then you won’t be where you need to be butt you’ll be a lot closer. So we’re all working on our communication.
We also had the Outreach in the village. It wasn’t Mpumudde it was called Mutiki. Pastor Michael’s Church. We had a great time out there. You know I posted things on social media about the birthday party, the outreach, small happenings around the ministry. Check out our social media channels if you want to see what these events looked like. The webpage ( had links to the social accounts.
We also had a care team meeting this weekend. It was a big update, a bit long, because February has been crazy. So much stuff is happening so it was a little longer than normal. But, wow, if you if you’ve got some time to watch it, I would encourage you to watch that video. There are a lot of prayer points in there that you could be praying for us as we work on making disciples that make disciples.
Coming up: today is Friday Fuel, which is the one time a month we do a stand alone topic. Something small that will benefit the students but it’s not covered in regular class. Today we will begin talking about critical thinking.
Next week is when I’m heading to Ethiopia with a few pastors to a conference about expositional teaching.
Next week we also have a guest teacher coming in. Her name is Wilma, she’s going to teach a program that’s called at your best. Explaining how to live an ethical life in the middle of the crazy culture. I had sent a couple people to this a few months ago and they just loved it. We are trying to train our students to lead youth groups and I think this will be a useful tool for them. Prayers for Wilma, and Joel from the dorms and Sarah from the office are going to help teach that. We also have some former students coming in to attend that teaching. It’s it’s going to be a great week!
Then the school shuts down for a week, spring break. Normally the students stay on the compound, catch up with their homework, and have a little bit of rest and Restoration in the Lord. Then we’ll be back to classes again on the 18th.
I forgot Round Table is next week. We’ll talon about that very idea of living an ethical life inside your culture. How do you do that while honoring the Lord?
Thank you guys for praying, there’s a lot going on, but we sure do appreciate your participation in that way. God bless you and I’ll talk to you again next week.
picture: teacher Ismail translating at church