Morning everybody it’s Friday again. I’m actually recording this on Friday US time because I am on us soil. I’m in California. I spent the week traveling to get here.
I did get to celebrate TJ’s birthday before leaving, it was a great time. He’s has grown up so fast!
I’m in California for a couple weeks now before heading to Nebraska. If you’re around the San Francisco area, I would love to see you. Please reach out to me. Or for those of you in Nebraska and Iowa, I am heading your way soon and I would love to spend an hour or two with you. To share the mission and vision God has given me for reaching people for Christ in Uganda. Would love to see you and spend some time with you.
Coming up, things that you could pray for would be a little rest on my furlough and meetings with people. For the students back in Uganda, the school is still running. They start serving next week, their practical application serving at ministries. We’re also starting something this year called, Friday Fuel. Where we’re going to address some small topics that aren’t covered anywhere else. For example, the first one, which is next Friday, they’re going to talk about the different types of learners. So students can understand how they learn best and be able to study easier. Hopefully, that’s the goal right.
Then the week after that we’re having another round table. We’re going to talk about: is the entire Bible true? Which you may know, many faiths say that it is not or only part of it is. So I think that’s going to be an interesting conversation. Sad I’m going to miss it, but the guys are gonna do great. I think a lot of people enjoy thise discussions.
Thank you guys for praying and I will talk to you again next week. God bless you.