Good morning everybody checking in one last time in 2023 keeping you updated on what’s going on here so that you can be praying for us. Thank you so much for that. We did have the Jesus film last week and many souls were saved! It was dark, it was late, and everybody had such a great time. One little kid came up to me and said, “Mama, I need to go to the school of ministry.” I told him you have to be at least 18 cuz he was tiny, it was cute. Thank you for praying for that event.The current students have gone home from the school of ministry. We had a little Christmas party Saturday after their last test and then they started heading home after that. They’re all at their homes, Peter is even at his home, and Ismail went home today. We’ll see them all again next year. Thank you for praying for them, the tests, and keeping them covered in prayers while they’re at home in their Villages. That they would continue to be seeking the Lord in all things.This week has been a little bit crazy because it’s the prison Christmas show. Annually the prison ministry goes to, I want to say 8 or 10 prisons, and puts on a Christmas show. Kids and adults from the local church come and volunteer. They sing, they dance, they share a message and a skit. I was able to go one day and it was so much fun. Please keep that covered in prayer today. Today is their last day, they’re going to the prisons here in town, the big ones. Kirinya, Remand, and Women’s. They are having a great time but they may be a bit tired. Thank you for praying for this, there’s many prisoners getting saved every day though so we’re praying today that there would be a huge Harvest.The rest of the week I’ve spent just running through the dorms and the education building. Checking to see what’s broken, what needs repaired, and getting ready for the next semester, which starts in the middle of January. I want to tell you guys Merry Christmas! And thank you for coming on this journey with us as we step out to make disciples that can make disciples. We want to continue doing that in 2024 and we appreciate your partnership allowing us to expand the kingdom and help people go deeper in their faith. I’ll talk to you in 2024. God bless you.

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Picture: some of the cast of the prisons Christmas program 💗