Happy Friday guys, checking in again to keep you updated. So that you can keep us covered in prayer, which I really appreciate.
THis week has been a bit crazy because last Saturday was the cultural wedding, the introduction, for Peter and Prossy. And this week all on campus are working up get everything set up because tomorrow is the church wedding. So everyone’s kind of scrambling to get ready for that. We’re thankful that God has provided for them. Thank you to the people who donated and prayed/ are praying, who are helping to take care of all those wedding details.
Also the work for a living seminar ended yesterday. They are meeting one more time today to give testimonies because they all started small businesses. Testimonies about how it went for them. So I’m looking forward to hearing that.
Finally, I have some sad new.ls. If you could come alongside in prayer please. Joy and Wilson had a miscarriage this week. She is still in the hospital right now but she should be released today sometime to come home. But it’s been a rough week for them physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. If you would be praying for them. There’s a lot of heartbroken people here.
Thank you guys for covering us in prayer during this difficult time. I do really appreciate it. God bless you and I’ll catch up with you again next week.

Pictured: ready for the cultural wedding, everyone wore the Rwandan formal dress, the mushanana. To see pictures of the events please check out Instagram or Facebook….

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