Been a busy week as we get ready for school, which starts in a week! Isn’t that crazy? We got the storage room cleaned out and organized. We got the women’s dorm set up and ready to go. I even had some people over this week for the MacGyver meal. See, my dog locked my door from the inside, an effective security bolt, we couldn’t get back in. The guys eye found m trying to get in with a string and a mirror and u said, “hey, you’re Macgyver,” but they didn’t know who that was. So I had them over for lunch and we watched a couple episodes. They enjoyed the show!
I’m looking to buy a couple laptops for the coming school year for that track two, the administrative track. Want tohave a little more resources for the students to be practicing on.
I am trying trying trying to get my furlough planned and get that ticket purchased. I need to do that this week before the prices get high. Because it’s getting really close to the time that I’m leaving.
I want to ask for prayers, specifically for the students who are coming.


Would you pray for them specifically and when they get here I’ll get a picture posted of them so you can have a face to go with that name.

Prayers for the teachers this year, too. Which would be :
Pastor Magoya
Pastor Mukarani
Teacher Peter
Teacher Ann
Teacher Ismail
Teacher Opiyo, and
Teacher Harriet.

Prayers for them, that they would be able to share about that love that they have of all things Christ. So that we can be making disciples that make disciples as we go into year three.
Thank you guys for partnering with us and making this dream a reality that we will be raising people up who can do the same. God bless you guys.

pictures: celebrating Peace’s birthday