Happy Friday everybody. I wanted to check in since last week I didn’t get to make a video. I was in a conference all week called, Helping without hurting in Africa. How can you help someone without damaging them long term? It was a great conference with a lot of good information. We’re hoping to apply the ideas where needed in the ministries that we have to make sure that we’re helping people long term.
This last week was the pastors conference which was amazing. The theme was how to be the example. John Chitwood even taught at the conference. Pastors came from all over.
Rebecca Chitwood arrived. She’s here, safe and sound. She is serving serving. We’ve been teaching John hand and foot so they can play when they go home. O think there are many of you who play canasta, like hand and foot. I know my family plays this game.
Ann’s birthday was a couple weeks ago, my birthday was last week, Bev’s birthday is actually today. Happy birthday Beverly!
Students are back working hard. I believe they have five weeks left before the year is over. And, we’ve been working to plan the next year already.
It’s been a lot of activity in the last couple weeks….
Coming up if you could keep covered in prayer: we’re going to bugungu prison tomorrow to play some volleyball. If you remember last fall, that’s where we installed the volleyball court. So we’re going to go challenge them to a game.
We’re going to do a pop-up concert soon, we have movie night, and the round table is coming up.
Thank you guys for praying so that we can keep advancing the kingdom of God.
God bless you and I’ll talk to you next week.

pictured: Shadrack (SOM2023) serving at the pastors conference, in the computer running the overhead.

to watch the video follow this link https://youtu.be/2chv-GsiG88?si=breEx9HLwKg2eElW