Weekly Update 17 January 2025

Praise all students returned, praise Derrick recovery from malaria, roundtable in feb, luganda class, ankles healing, trainings next week…..

Hey guys I thought I would give you an update today as I walk to my luganda class. It’s been a busy week. I started luganda classes, you can pray for me to get some bigger grasp of the language. Also this last week Pastor Mawanda was visiting us. Him and his family went home but it was sure nice to have them around. Then all of the students came back, we were so happy about that! And classes started this week plus we’re meeting every night during our devotion time and talking about public speaking. We’re having a good time trying to figure out how to use the tools God gave us, which is our bodies, our voices, things like that… to become better communicators, better teachers, as we share the word of God.
Had guinea pig meal, made twice baked potatoes. Ugandans don’t really eat potato skin so they dug out the middle. But, it still works and they liked it.
Many of you have been praying for Derek, the student, who had malaria. He is doing so much better now, thank you. He’s back in class and studying.
Coming up in the next week or two we have a round table, we’re going to show The Forge movie to the students and talk about discipleship. Next week there’s some people going to training. Joel and Sarah are going to go to some youth training. Ismail and Loyce are going to take a character counts class.
It’s going to be a busy week along with the classes for the students! Thank you guys for praying and I’ll talk to you next week. God bless you.

The extra videos at the end, if you watch the video are: the guys preparing wood for the outdoor kitchen, and the students serving by cleaning the church.

picture: Patrick and the guys grouting the shower, leak found, repaired and we’re moving forward!