This last week I’ve been shutting things down for me in Uganda as I’m getting ready to go on furlough. I’ll be gone for some few months, I’m heading to the US. I’ll be in some different parts of the United States and looking forward to visiting with so many of you. But, I’m also feeling sad at the same time that I’m leaving home. I’m not going to see people everyday that I’m used to seeing. It’s going to be a weird adjustment.
Upcoming in the next couple weeks, besides my travel, would be for the school of ministry. It’s going to continue to run while I’m gone. Peter will be running it, prayers for him. For the teachers, the students, that they could continue to seek Christ in all things and grow and be transformed into his image.
They have a movie night coming up, evangelism, there’s another round table in a few weeks. They’re going to talk about, is the Bible reliable? I think it’s going to be great and sad I’ll miss the discussion.
Thank you guys for praying and I’m going to see you, hopefully face to face, very soon. God bless