Weekly Update 14 March 2025

Back from Ethiopia, NT Survey starts soon, SOM classes resume, outreaches coming up…

Hey guys it’s Friday, I’m back in Uganda in case you can’t tell (see video beautiful scenery). I had a great time in Ethiopia at the pastor’s conference. I did get a little bit sick, I have some problems with food. Because if this I missed the Crusade. But hundreds of thousands of people attended and so many people got saved. We are so thankful for the Billy Graham Association (bgea) for continuing to reach out to all those countries and to populate the Kingdom of Heaven. Thank you so much for all of your work and God bless you. Please keep pushing on towards the goal.
Last week when we were gone, we had a guest teacher. Wilma from YWAM came and taught @Your BEST along with a couple more topics too and everybody loved it. Super practical, applicable, biblically-based information. They had a great time!
This week the School of Ministry is on break. They have a couple more days off before classes start again next week. Then they will step into their final serving rotation.
We also have spent the week getting ready for a standalone class to get started. We’re going to do New Testament Survey. One Thursday is going to be for women only, taught by women for women. Then the next Thursday, or the opposite Thursday, will be the New Testament Survey for men only. Taught by men for men. Next week is women, the week after that is men. We recorded some videos to promote those classes. Loyce and Ismail both recorded videos to invite people to the class (they are the ones teaching those classes). They both did a great job recording those invitations. Bev is the one who did the filming and she is doing a wonderful job. She is so talented and it’s a blessing to have her help.
Deb has started luganda classes again since returning. Her brain is a little fluffy but she keeps on trying.
We’ve also starting to prep for the pastor’s conference that’s going to be happening in June on our compound. Mand we’ve also started to prepare for some Outreach that’s coming up in the next four or five weeks. We’ve got three outreachesching up: a chess Tournament, a volleyball tournament, and a concert.
So pray for us as we step out to serve the Lord. As we try to make disciples that make disciples. Thank you guys for praying for us and I’ll update you again next week. God bless you (Mukama akuwe omukisa)

uc: Bev recording the video of Loyce inviting women to class