I wanted to share something with you this week. I meet once a week with my small group from church, they’re called cell groups here. This week we had a really good time, we had some laughter we had some shocking moments. I wanted to share something with you that has been kind of sticking to me from that meeting.
We’re in 1John and we were talking about not having hatred in your heart for other people. This made me think of the Book of James, chapter 2 verse 1. It says, “my brothers as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favoritism.”
We’re talking about how everybody has hated someone. People’s have hatred in their hearts, that’s who we are as human. The Bible says we can overcome that though. We discussed about when you’re angry with someone and you’re hating someone. Peter told me they have a saying in Rwanda, if you’re my friend and I’m hating someone you look at your friend and say: you hate him for me. It’s like your friend is coming alongside you to hate the person that you’re hating. We kind of laughed because it’s true. People do this all the time. But when we thought about what would Jesus saywhen he looked at you? Because he would not say you hate him for me. He would say, of course, you love him for me. And, I’ve been thinking about that ever since. The power of that. There’s difficulty between people and somebody’s hating another. And people do this exact thing. They call their friends and say you hate this person with me. But Jesus would always say, would you love him for me?
Love the people around you, where they are at, not where you think they should be. Nobody’s perfect, right? Everybody’s a work in progress.

Love him for me.

God bless you guys.

watch on YouTube at https://youtu.be/vj_u8AgtOhI?si=hyjU0jv7I0enNd6j

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