Goal Setting

It’s the end of November/beginning of December as I write this. Normally this is when I sit down and ask myself what I want to do with my life in the next year?

 Goal setting

  I set goals using Mark 12:30

 Love the Lord your God

with all your heart and

with all your soul and

with all your mind and

with all your strength.

I see four types of goals you could be setting here. You could use one or you could use all four.

Type – idea (example)

Heart – emotional maturity (chaplain training)

Soul – relationship to God/others (memorize sword*)

Mind – mental maturity (read 1 professional book each month)

Strength – physical health (start shooting bow and arrow again)

* Sword is 10 verses on the same topic. For example anger, how do I respond biblically when I am angry? The sword is memorized ahead of time so when you are in the middle of a situation you have already hidden the help you need in your heart.

When I think about goal setting and how I want to live my life I think about why. What is the point of all this? Following the notion that a thought leads to an idea which leads to an action which leads to a habit which makes up your life. So, to begin goal setting I want to make sure my thoughts are in the right place. I use 1 Corinthians 10:31 for this (So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God). I want to glorify God. Remembering to live a life of intention, growing closer to God through everything I do and it is really for Him I do things.

When I have decided upon my goals, I write them down. I get a paper or a poster board and make it something I can look at. This could be written with a pen or you could use pictures to represent each of your goals. The important thing here is to put it in writing and place it where you will see it each day. For example, I put mine on paper and hang them in my closet so I see it each day. Then I can remember who and where I want to be in the future.

I have heard stories from people who set goals for themselves and jot it down in a notebook and then put it away. Then suddenly it’s November and they are thinking, hmmm, I know I wrote down some goals somewhere around here. Help yourself out and write out your goals and place them where you can see them each day.

There is a lot of information out there about goal setting but I think the most important one you should remember is setting SMART goals.

S Specific (narrow it down, be specific)

M Measurable (how do you know you succeed unless you measure it?)

A Attainable (just outside your reach)

R Relevant (in line with your values)

T Time based (deadlines staggered throughout the year)

Using written SMART goals for your heart, soul, mind, and strength, displayed in a place you see everyday, will help you to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

Should you have questions about goal setting using Mark 12:30, swords, SMART goals, what have you… please let me know.



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