Weekly Update 28October22

There’s always so much going on here…

The projector came this week. We got it installed, everyone is so excited to be using it. This is just in time for Nehemiah from ACFAR who’s coming next week to teach the students the whole week.

Friday, tonight, we are showing the Jesus film in luganda. Please pray for lots of people to come, for hearts to be softened, for lives to be changed. That people would come to know Christ, or come to know Him better.

Over the weekend our electrician “jaja” Bruce came in and taught the students how to roll cords properly and take care of the electronic equipment so that they last longer. The students really had fun. Please check out my social media pages, I threw up some videos of the students rolling cords up and throwing them out. We had a good time and we learned a lot. Thank you for coming Bruce.

We also had a visitor this week. Kind of a whirlwind visit, she went to four or five ministries and two days. She even played soccer with the dorm students. We had a great time, we hope to see her again soon. Blessings to you Elisabeth.

Then the last thing I wanted to mention this week is the book drive. The drive is coming to a close soon, just a handful of days left. If you have not checked it out please head to NowDeb.com/bookdrive We have a list of books we’d love to have for the students and staff. Can you help with that? Please help to populate the library at Called Christians so that we can make more disciples that can make disciples. Thank you so much for participating in the book drive and helping in that way.

God bless you guys and I’ll talk to you again next week.

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