Weekly Update 30September22

Hello everybody 😍 another week is gone by already, the time goes so quickly. They say the older you are the faster it goes! This is true for me.

It’s been an interesting week. We looked at fear in class this week. How the Word can bring you comfort in the midst of your fear. That God has better things for you than to be sitting around worrying.

Please be praying for the students, we’re getting ready to go on midterm break. We’ll have a week off to kind of recoup, restore, renew. Prayers for that time.

I was talking with Timothy today, the prison ministry leader, and he said that they’re getting ready to plan baptisms at the main prison. They’re hoping that will happen in November. Prayers arer appreciated, God’s favor in getting this set up.

Few other prayer requests, the round table is coming up in a couple weeks, can you lose your salvation. And we’re going to show the Jesus film in late October. Thank you for praying for these events.

I took the second round of bilharzia pills. They made me very unbalanced. I was stumbling around, I couldn’t find my center of balance. I stayed in bed most of the day. I’m doing somehow better today and hopefully that will be the last time I have to do that.

Then, the only other thing I would like you guys to pray about and I would like you to participate in, is the book drive. This launches officially on October 1st to populate the library at Called Christians. Please be on the lookout, I posted a video introducing the bookdrive on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. I really would appreciate your prayers and participation in the book drive.

That is what had been going on around here. What have you guess been up to? Please send be an email and let me know how we can be praying for you.

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