Weekly Update 9September22

Today I’m at the entrance where they’ve been redoing the cement pad. The compound is hitting the age where a lot of things need either rebuilt or patched or repaired. We’re pretty thankful that this area will be a nice place for the people who come. This is the first thing they see when coming to Called Christians.

I got my hair done this week with braids. It took 9 1/2 hours. I understand now why black women, when they get hair like this, keep it for quite a while. Because it took a long time to get it done.

My bilharzia is gone, I’m thankful for that. Thank you for praying. However, I went back to the doctor because I still wasn’t feeling well. There’s some other infection going on so I’m on antibiotics right now. They weren’t sure what it was though.

This weekend I’m so happy to announce the Anniversary of my Mom and Dad’s wedding. 57 years together! Sorry I can’t be there to celebrate with you.

Prayers for the upcoming week: students, ministries, and not today but next Friday we’ll be holding movie night. We will be showing the movie Indescribable at 5:00 p.m. if you’re anywhere near Jinja please come, you are invited.

Thank you guys for continuing to cover us in prayer and I’ll talk to you again soon.

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