Weekly Update 5August22

Here’s your weekly update on everything that’s going on over here in Uganda.

School of ministry started this week. All the students came and a couple of them have left already. They are actually in class right now as I write this learning about Inductive Bible Study. It’s been a little bit of a crazy week as we adjust and move but blessed are the flexible for they shall bend but they shall not break. I’m excited about what God is going to do with these young men and women.

I went to the missionary fellowship this week. It was so good to see everyone and catch up again. You probably don’t think about this but I am not the only missionary serving in Uganda. Once a month we get together, share a meal, a devotion and catch up on how things are going.

I want you to be on the lookout because the library is almost finished being constructed and then part two of our project will be happening. This is your heads-upto be on the lookup for what that is and please keep praying for the library.

I had a specific prayer request, the students do their first Evangelistic Outreach next week on Tuesday. Prayers for them please. I don’t know if you remember the first time that you went out to evangelize or if you’ve ever been? Most are fearful that people are going to hit them or punch them or be very mean to them. That doesn’t normally happen by the way, people are usually polite or they just say I don’t want to talk about that. The Bible does say we should be making disciples that can make disciples and that means you have to tell someone about it first. So prayers for them as they step out to do that for the first time. That they could be bold and courageous and be able to share the hope that they have (1Peter3). They’re going to be sharing in one of the neighborhood ministries, Danida. So thank you guys for praying for the ministry, for me, for the students, for everything going on in Uganda.

Blessings to you and I’ll talk with you again soon.

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