Sharing Needs

Hello! I wanted to apologize for not updating you all in a while, please forgive me. I am in Albuquerque now and recovering. A big thanks to everyone for praying. God answered your prayers and I lived! Proof that God answers prayers. I really should have died. Thank you for your prayers. I would love to thank you personally, if you prayed for me please reach out and let me know (email me). And please keep praying, I still need prayers for recovery.

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Last check my kidneys were at 41%. The doctors tell me, ‘remember to go real slow.’ and they mean it! When I go too quickly or try to do too much I get worn out quickly. I have been walking and doing physical therapy. I am slowly getting stronger, it is just taking time. Please keep praying for my recovery

I am doing a bible study right now called Experiencing God, about how you can experience God more in your life. Part of this involves God inviting you to join him, which he has done. He asked me if I was willing to “go” again and I have said, yes I am willing. Before you freak out let me clarify, not go right now. That would not be wise. When I am recovered, I will be going again. For now I am enjoying the study and enjoying getting to know the women better that are doing the study with me.

People keep asking me things like: How can I help you? What do you need? Sadly, I have been answering: I don’t know, or I can’t think of anything I need. A friend sat me down and told me how wrong I was and asked me to fix this. He assured me people really do want to help and they do want to know what I need to recover. So to fix this, I would like to apologize to you and to share what my needs are and how you can help during this recovery time. I added a needs page to the website that has a list of things you can purchase or you can do to help me out. I promise to keep this updated so when I think of something, even if its small, I will be ready to share and not say I can’t think of anything.

Lastly, a big thank you to all the peeps at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett Washington (Seattle). For taking such good care of me. I got to know so many of you and am thankful for that. May God bless you and keep you, may He make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. He turn his face towards you and give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26).

P.S. I started a podcast for those of you who like to listen instead of read I am still getting it registered with podcast providers so be on the lookout for “NowDeb Podcast” if you are a listener.

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