Blank Paper Goals

As the end of the year gets closer people start thinking about setting goals for the new year. I, like so many others, have a huge list of things I want to accomplish. Oftentimes, I am so busy with life I just keep doing what comes next. I finish one thing and jump right into another. I make a list of what I want to get done and bring my list to God and pray for Him to bless my efforts.

Over lunch with a friend recently, we talked about a different way to approach goal setting. She suggested taking a piece of blank white paper and praying over it.

Blank Paper Goal Setting

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Here’s the idea:

Attach a blank piece of paper to a place you will see it daily; the cork board by your exit door, on your refrigerator, hanging over your desk…

Every time you see this piece of paper ask God to reveal to you what He wants you to accomplish, to show you what He has next for you.

When He reveals something, put that on your paper. Either a drawing to represent the idea, or if you are bad at drawing even stick figure likes me, cut out a picture representing your God assigned goal and glue or tape it to the paper. You can even write down a few notes, throw on some glitter, whatever you want to add.

You can use a blank sheet and pray about the different aspects of your life, for example:

  • Marriage or Dating

  • Children

  • Volunteering

  • Health or exercise

  • Work

  • Mental and emotional growth

  • Vacation

Not telling God what you want to do but seeking God to guide you to what He has next for you in each area.

Happy goal setting peeps, I wish you many blank papers that get filled with God assigned goals.