Searching for workers in Norway

Searching for workers in Norway was an undertaking. Months passed before finding anyone. The first people I came across were Ed & Kate Major. But they were not actually serving in Norway anymore; they had moved to England.

Ed & Kate Major

The Majors

The Majors were sent by Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. They lived in England and were ministering to young Norwegians there. Eventually, God moved them to Norway, where they served for almost four years. God then moved them back to England to take care of Kate’s parents. Currently, they live and minister in Bath, England.

I learned a lot about Norway from the Majors. Generally speaking Norwegians are a loving group of people who are highly educated, not interested in religion, and in the large cities speak English. The biggest employer of foreigners is the oil industry (petroleum). And, there are no Calvary Chapels in Norway.

We also discussed how to physically get into Norway. The options:

  • A tourist visa, good for three months.

  • A religious workers visa, good for three years.

  • For Americans, a work visa requires you to get a residency permit, which takes about three years. To find a job you generally need a Master’s Degree or better, unless you are self-employed.

So much information to process and what it means as someone trying to get in. I added many items to my research list and continued my search for Christian workers in Norway.

If you would like to connect with Ed & Kate, please see their Shepherd’s Staff page.

Prayer Requests

  • Major’s current Bible study in Bath

  • Major’s starting second bible study?

  • Deb’s entry path to Norway