I died at 39

Did you ever think, I can’t believe I’ve lived this long? Yes, me too. I expected to die much sooner. I thought I would live to be, maybe 38. That was old after all.

I died at 39

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That was almost true. I died when I was 39. Or should I say I was born again at 39. They tell me I’m an anomaly. Statistically speaking that is. Most people become followers of Jesus Christ in their youth or very late in life. Us folk in the middle, we’re called a rarity.

I got a whole new outlook on life. New priorities, purpose. I even had dreams again. I remember before just going through my days in a fog. No point to it, just kept working. Pretty hopeless when I slowed down enough to think about things. What was the point anyway? What is the meaning of life?

My new perspective took me places I never dreamed of going before. I went back to school and even lived in a foreign country. I had purpose and a reason to get up every day. I became something that is bigger than me. I joined to family of God.

Life has not been all parties and cake eating. But I am content, peaceful. And I have hope for tomorrow. That is what I love to share with people. Contentment, peace, hope. That is what the love of Jesus Christ brings.

Prayers for salvation. I have a long list of people I pray for, you? Eternity is a long time, let’s bring along as many souls as possible. #onemoresoul