Trying to use up some leftovers and came up with these zucchini tins. Zucchini and carrots baked in a peanut sauce. It was actually delicious so I thought I would share this while I remembered what I did…

Zucchini Tins

1t Miso paste

1c water

1/4c tahini or g-nut paste

4 Clove garlic

1t paprika

1/2t salt

1t coriander

3T Nutritional yeast

1c zucchini

1c carrot

2T balsamic vinegar

1/4c roasted peanuts

2T green onion

Preheat oven to 400.

In a small saucepan add 1cup water, dissolving the 1t miso. Then add 1/4c tahini, 4 cloves of garlic minced, 1t paprika, 1t coriander, 1/2t salt (optional), and 3T nutritional yeast. Whisk until smooth. Over medium heat bring to boil then simmer for 3-4 minutes stirring occasionally.

Dice 1c zucchini and 1c carrot. Divide between 6 muffin tins. Cover with Miso sauce. Give each tin a little stir to combine.

Bake 30-35 minutes.

Let cook 5 minutes.

To serve drizzle with balsamic vinegar, roasted peanuts and green onions.

Note: this made 6 zucchini tins and I ate 3 in one sitting. So serves 2 unless your starving then eat them all!

Pictured with a kale salad. Kale, spinach, radish greens, radish, mango, and some tomato, little bit of lime juice, salt, and pepper and you’re good to go…. (I added a little olive oil to the greens, gave then a little massage then set it aside while I waited for the zucchini tin to bake.)