Irene brought some dinner over so I thought I would make dessert. She had told me how much she is enjoying the Forks Over Knives recipe app so I thought I would try a recipe. I actually did not have all the ingredients for their apple maple cinnamon rolls so I adapted the recipe to what I had on hand. It worked! They were very tasty. Tip: dice your apples small. 

Maple Apple Cinnamon Rolls


1c warm soya milk (or almond unsweetened)

2t active yeast

3 ½ to 4c white flour, divided

2T ground flax

1t salt

1/2c applesauce

1/3c maple syrup

3c apples, diced small

2T maple syrup

4T apple juice, divided

1T cinnamon sugar spice

1T flour

1c powdered sugar

1T soya milk (or almond unsweetened)

Dash vanilla extract

 Combine 1c warm milk (not hot or boiling) with 2t yeast in small bowl, cover with towel and set aside for 5-8 minutes (until it starts to foam).

In large bowl add 3 ½ c flour, 2T ground flax, 1t salt, mix well. Then add 1/2c applesauce, 1/3c maple syrup, and yeast. Mix until combined and your dough comes together. Move to a lightly floured surface, use extra flour if your dough is sticky, kneading the extra flour into the dough. Knead for 5-8 minutes, until it is smooth. Set back in the bowl, cover with a towel, and set somewhere warm (or at least not a cool breeze). Let the dough double in size, 1 ½ to 2 hours.


Meanwhile, in a saucepan combine 3c apples, 2T maple syrup, 3T apple juice, 1T cinnamon sugar. Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for 5-8 minutes, until your apples are cooked through. In small bowl combine 1T apple juice and 1T flour, add slowly to apples, stirring constantly so no lumps of flour form. Bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute. Stir well, remove from heat and let cool.

On a lightly floured surface punch down your dough, cover with a towel and let rest for 10 minutes.

This is when you get your baking pan ready. I used a stone to bake these but if you use a cake pan (9×13) please line it with parchment so the rolls come out easily.

Roll the dough out to a rectangular shape. Add filling, spreading all over your dough, except leaving about 1” from the edge clear on one short side.


Roll up the dough, sealing the edges with your fingers. Cut into 12 rolls.

Place rolls on baking pan, sides touching. Cover the rolls and let sit for about 45 minutes.

Preheat oven to 375F. Bake rolls 24-26 minutes (this is for baking on a stone at high altitude, please adjust as necessary for your bake-ware and elevation).

Let cool 5 minutes.

While cooling, make your topping. In small bowl add 1c powdered sugar, 1T soya milk, and a splash of vanilla. Stir well, drizzle on rolls. Enjoy!