I was thinking I wanted some dark chocolate but nothing very sweet and someone had given me a huge jar of natural peanut butter (no added anything) so I thought why not try peanut butter pie? It hit the spot for that after dinner, slightly sweet treat. I made this using a pie tin and a muffin tin, I prefer the muffin tin because it helps me with portion control. It works in either though. (gluten free by accident!)

Peanut Butter Pie

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2c          almond flour

1/4c       cocoa powder

1/4c       coconut oil

1/4c       maple syrup

1c           peanut butter

1t           vanilla

2T          ground flax seeds

1/3c       maple syrup

1 can     coconut milk, room temp (13.5oz)

1/4c       coconut oil, melted not hot

1/2c       dark chocolate chips (optional)

1/2T       coconut oil (optional)

1/4c       roasted peanuts (optional)

 Preheat the oven to 350F.

To make the crust

In a small bowl mix together 2c almond flour, 1/4c cocoa powder, 1/4c coconut oil and 1/4c maple syrup. Press into baking dish to make crust, smoothing the surface (so there is no cracking).

For muffin tin I used a small scooper (1.5T) to drop dough into each muffin and then a 1/3c measuring cup to press down the dough onto the bottom and up the sides a little of each muffin cup.

For a pie plate I used my fingers to press the dough onto the bottom and sides of the pie tin, trying to make it as even as possible.

Bake for 15-18 minutes at 350F. It is hard to see when this is done because the dough color is dark brown from the cocoa. Let sit for about 5 minutes then put the pan in the freezer until it is chilled (about 15 minutes).

To make the filling

I use a blender. You could do this with a hand mixer or a spoon if you are looking for an arm workout. Add 1c peanut butter, 1t vanilla, 2T ground flax seeds, 1/3c maple syrup, 1 can coconut milk (I used full fat) at room temperature, and 1/4c coconut oil, melted not hot. Blend until smooth. Pour this into the cooled crust and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Unless you like frozen sweets then you could freeze it instead.

Optional topping

In a glass measuring jar melt 1/2c dark chocolate chips (I used vegan, gluten free) with 1/2T coconut oil. I do this on 50% power for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Mix to melt completely then drizzle over the top of the pie. Sprinkle with 1/4c roasted peanuts.

If you love chocolate you can use more chips and oil to cover the top completely, or more peanuts if you love peanuts. It’s your dessert, use as many toppings as you’d like.


You could use any nut/seed butter you want. Although I haven’t tried this with tahini and probably won’t.