I was looking for a way to eat more red chile so I pulled out the good old Frito Pie. Meat and beans in a chile sauce ladled over Fritos® then topped with cheese, lettuce, tomato, avocado, jalapenos, what have you! Enjoy this bowl full of yum watching the big game or snuggled up taking in a movie.

Frito Pie

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1 lb      ground turkey

1/2t       salt

1 can      pinto beans, drained

3c            red chile sauce


optional toppings            

                sharp cheddar



                onion or green onion



In large skillet, fry 1 lb ground turkey with 1/2t salt. Drain excess fat.

Add 14oz. can pinto beans (drained) and 3c of red chile sauce.

Simmer for 18-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

To Serve

In a bowl, add a handful of Fritos ® top with 1c of meat mixture and the toppings on your choice.