At my friend Suzanne’s house right now and she loves Starbucks blueberry scones so thought I’d try to make a copycat version but without dairy (I can’t have dairy and I’m sure there’s scores of you out there who are also dairy free). My first attempt was a disaster but these are delish!

Quick note, I am baking these on a stone at high altitude so you may need to adjust your baking time.

Blueberry Scones (without dairy)

mix 15jun21.jpg


2c           flour

1T           baking powder

1T           ground flax

1/2t       salt

1/2c       sugar

8T           coconut oil

3/4c       almond milk, plain unsweetened

1t           vanilla extract

3/4c       blueberries (frozen or fresh)

1T           lemon zest (optional)

1c           powdered sugar

2T           almond milk, plain unsweetened

1/2t       vanilla extract


Preheat over to 400F.

I used a stone to bake these on, if you use a cookie sheet please spray it with a little cooking spray.

In a large bowl, whisk together 2c flour, 1T baking powder, 1T flax, 1/2t salt, 1/2c sugar.

Using a pastry cutter (or 2 forks) cut in 8T coconut oil until the dough is crumbly.

Fold in 3/4c blueberries and 1T lemon zest (if using).

On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough a few times until it holds together well.

This will be a little sticky so I flour my hands so it doesn’t stick to my hands too much.

Using your hand flatten dough to 1″ thick round shape.

Cut the dough like a pizza, into 8 or 10 pieces.

Place on a baking sheet with a little room around each piece.

Bake for 16-19 minutes.

While baking, make the glaze.

To 1c powdered sugar add 2T almond milk plain unsweetened and 1/2t vanilla extract.

Mix well, set aside.

When scones are starting to brown around edges, remove from oven and let cool 5 minutes.

Move to serving tray or to wax paper, drizzle with glaze and enjoy.

Keeps for 4-5 days or freezes for 3-4 months but we didn’t have them long enough to freeze any.

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