Hello friends, checking in again so you can keep us covered in prayer, which we really really appreciate.
This last week I celebrated with Peace who graduated University. We went out and shared a meal together and just talked about our hopes and our dreams. Congratulations Peace! We also had movie night last week. We showed Pilgrim’s Progress, people were off because there’s a national census here. They do the census every 10 years here as well.
The students from the School of Ministry actually went out to Irege’s house this week, which is across the lake. So many of them took a boat for the very first time. They were terrified and excited. And they had a wonderful time visiting him in that little village that’s just across the water from where we’re at.
The students are in class right now actually. They have today, tomorrow, then it’s finals, then graduation is the 28th. If you would pray for them to finish well and that they would continue to seek the Lord, to grow in Him, to serve, to live out what they say they believe, which would be wonderful.
Also this last week it was my mom’s birthday, happy birthday Mom, I miss you. And Loyce’s birthday was this week too. But it is sad because there was a pastors & wives conference last week and ends up there was red eye there. So Loyce and her whole family have red eye right now. Please pray for them that it could be over with quickly. Medicine is running short in town because the outbreak is big. There is also a red eye outbreak in the prisons. There are almost a thousand men I think who have red eye. We’re trying to raise some funds to get them medication. If you want to donate, I have PayPal, venmo, and Send Wave. Go to NowDeb.com/support if you want to get in on helping those prisoners. Fyi red eye is cake pink eye in the U.S.
One more thing, well a couple more things: there’s an outreach today to weigh people. We’ve got signs made that say Know your weight, know your height, it’s free. People here want to know how much they weigh, everybody wants to be fat. We’re going to talk to them about being wonderfully and beautifully made. That God made them and loves them. That’s happening this afternoon if you could pray for us that people would come to be weighed and measured and we could have that life-saving conversation with them.
Also in the next couple weeks trying to set up a work for a living seminar to happen on the compound. Prayers that it would happen and people would attend and be encouraged and empowered to live a life worthy of Christ through their work and work environment.
That’s what’s going on in Uganda. Thank you guys for praying and I’ll talk to you again soon. God bless you 🤍