This week I have been at a conference in town on Main Street. I’ve been at Innovation Village taking an entrepreneurship conference with some of the people from Called Christians. It’s been great so far and we have one more day to go. Please pray for me and the people who came with me, the people who are attending, that they would be encouraged and motivated to get out there and start businesses. And that they could glorify Christ in the middle of it. It’s christ-based organizations that’s putting the conference (one is

I’m doing better from having malaria last week. I’ve been taking some extra iron pills so i don’t feel so tired. But it’s been a great week so far. Lots of sitting at the conference.
I hope to see you guys on Saturday for the care team meeting. I sent out the link to that meeting yesterday. Please shoot me a note on WhatsApp or an email and I’ll get you the link to that meeting if you didn’t get that.
Thank you guys for praying and I’ll talk to you Saturday at 8:00 a.m. Mountain Time. God bless.

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