Hello, it’s true for those of you who haven’t heard, I had malaria this week. I’m finished taking all the medication. Peter tells me I’m looking a lot more white now since I haven’t been outside in a couple days, haha! But I’ve taken the medication and tomorrow I’m going to test again to make sure that it’s gone. I’m still just a little bit tired but besides that I think everything is going to be fine. So I’m going to call it a non-event. Thank you everyone who prayed, I really do appreciate that. And I hope many of you didn’t freak out because I know the last time I had malaria it was a different story. But God (great words)… but God is good and he is still on the throne! He still has plans for me so I am still here. Just like he still has plans for you, you are still here as well.

This week, earlier in the week, we actually celebrated a couple birthdays. David and Hadassah Mukarani both happy birthday is a couple days apart. This means I got to eat cake two times this week. We had a great time celebrating them and are thankful for their lives.

Coming up, if you could keep covered in prayer, movie night is tonight. We’re going to show the Case for Christ. The Lee Strobel story where he talks about how he researched the Bible to determine if it was true or not using his skills as a reporter. It’s a very interesting movie, if you haven’t seen it I would suggest you do.

Ann is coming back soon, she has been on furlough with her family. She was able to help her mom who had knee surgery this last week. She’s going through recovery now, so prayers for her please, her name is Debbie. But Ann will be back in about 2 weeks with us.

In a couple weeks also Bev is going to be guest teaching at the school of ministry. She will be teaching through a book called Love and Respect.

One last request, next week I’m going to a conference with some of the people here to learn about entrepreneurship in Uganda.

Thank you for praying for all the requests, and praying every week. I’ll talk to you guys next week where I expect to be back on the ground running everyday again. God bless you.

watch the update on YouTube at https://youtu.be/NSae1wmaqXo?si=W1gO8qjaoHLI7PpP

or listen to the audio below…