Good morning friends, let’s talk about tough times today.
It’s been a busy week, one of those weeks where so much stuff happens. You know, for those of you who know Christ, you know how your life before Christ you made decisions you wouldn’t make now. When you look back on your life, and then I think even for those of you who don’t know Christ this probably adults too you too. You look back and think … sadly, I wasted so many years, so much time, so much money, pursuing things that don’t really matter. The decisions that you made weren’t so great, and you’re trying to make better ones. Life is a process, isn’t it? Sanctification is a process, as we get to know Christ better.
So today, I’m thankful for grace. I’m thankful for mercy. And that I can get up each day and try again.
Prayers for everyone who is living life cuz it’s not always easy. God says that in the end it’s going to be good for those that love him. So keep trying and God bless you guys I’m praying for you and thanks for praying for me. For praying about everything that goes on here as we try to advance the Kingdom. There’s always push back but remember our job is to stand firm. So let’s all stand firm this week.
God bless you guys and I’ll talk to you next week.

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