Hi, it’s s beautiful day at Gardenview, see the attached picture (the video has a better view of you want to see more). I’m hearing from everyone I know right now that the have snow. I feel so bad for you guys and I just want to tell you that I don’t miss snow, sorry!! Prayers for you guys as you’re living through that blizzard like conditions and the feet and feet of snow.
This week the students are back, all nine of them returned. Thank the Lord they want to learn more about Christ. I heard about some amazing things that they did when they were home. A lot of them taught and prayed with people, one of them even put on a youth conference. They did evangelism, preaching, teaching, and people got saved. I’m very proud of them for continuing to walk out what they’re learning. A couple of them did experience some pushback from their families, not everyone’s family are Believers. Pray for the students to stand firm in their faith and following Christ through all the adversities. And salvation for all our lost family members. They are back studying and serving, classes are up and running again.
Still finding things in my apartment. When I think, where is this? And my first thought is, I am not sure where that is. But I’m getting better about finding things.
The other thing that happened this week was the walkways got cleaned. No, we don’t have snow but we do have rain. And our walkways are stone. So when it rains, water pools on all the uneven parts, then moss grows. That gets very slippery. The guys did a great job this week cleaning off that stone and making it so no one will fall, very thankful for that.
Upcoming in the next few weeks, it’s going to be a little bit crazy around here at the school. There’s a pastor’s conference next week and there are so many pastors on our staff that are going. we’re going to be bare bones here for teaching. I’m going to be teaching three times next week, Ismail s couple times plus helping service at the church. So it’s going to be a little bit crazy. Prayers for us, that we can pour into the students for those days and not die ourselves. Also for all those men going to that pastor’s conference. Theywould be encouraged and refreshed in the Lord. And they would come back ready to serve and move forward again.
The week after that there’s a youth conference that’s being put on by the Bridge Calvary Chapel and the students are going to be helping. It’s a three-day conference and it sounds like it’s going tobe amazing.
We are also planning a birthday party for the students. And i just remembered the care team meeting is next Saturday already. I can’t believe a month has gone by already.
The whole month of January goes by so fast but then the day to day seems to drag on, maybe it’s just me.
Thank you guys for praying and I’ll see you next weekend on the care team meeting. Looking forward to seeing your face and hearing your voice. God bless you guys and I’ll talk to you again soon.