Happy Friday everybody, checking in this week. It’s been a bit of a busy week. I moved from one place on the compound to a different place on the second floor. So that has dominated most of my week this week. Moving and getting things set up. It’s been crazy and I’m a bit tired but, I’m in and I’m living at the new place. A big thank you to everyone who helped me move, I really appreciate you. People helped move things and make repairs and get it all ready. Prayed that the new place could be a home that people would feel welcomed. I actually had people over for dinner last night, those who helped move. We had a great time, they were so excited because we had two kinds of meat. They enjoyed the evening I think, lots of laughter and storytelling, I enjoyed myself.Ismail is back in Jinja this week. The students start coming tomorrow, on Saturday, and classes start on Tuesday next week. Please pray with us as we fefear up for the 2nd term making more disciples that can make disciples. Thank you guys for praying for us and for everything coming up. There’s a pastor’s conference coming up, there’s a youth conference at the end of the month. We’re going to talk about celebrating birthdays. Plus getting the students back into the class back into serving and learning more about Christ. So thank you for praying and I’ll talk to you next week. God bless.