The graduation for Kingdom Life ministry that was Saturday went great. I had the opportunity to talk with Sol, the lady who runs it. She came over for lunch, it was wonderful getting to know her. Sol, I’m looking forward to coffee.

We’ve been trying to plan an Outreach with some schools that we work with in March. Still working on this if you could keep it in prayer for us.

Also been working on the food budget. Prices here have gone up a lot. We have the same people and budget but we’re seeing prices jump up every few weeks by about 10%. It’s a bit crazy. We want to use money wisely, providing nutritionally diverse diet on a budget. But it’s challenging. So please be praying for that. And, I’m going to ask you right now. If you have not donated financially please pray about becoming a monthly donor. $10, $25, $50, $100 each month? Join us in making disciples that can make disciples. Click here to donate.

Looks like I’m moving Wednesday, prayers please for a smooth transition.

The other thing I wanted to tell you, we built a baptistry this week. We used a ladder and some tarps. Because your prayers were answered, baptisms will happen Wednesday in the prison this week. They got permission 🎉 praise the Lord. I’ll be putting a video out so you can see how the portable baptistry was constructed, be looking for that on the social channels.

Prayers for the students coming for the school of ministry: open their hearts, prepare them, clear the path to get them here, so they can know Christ better. Also for the teachers who are planning curriculum. That planning be God led and inspired, Holy Spirit help us.

Thanks for partnering with me not just financially but spiritually, emotionally, mentally, I know your hearts are here. Thank you for that, I really appreciate it.

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