Spiralizers have been around a while but I just got a new one. Little hand held thing you twist the vegetable through. So thought I’d try making a fake pasta dish.

Zoodle Slurry


1 Italian sausage

2 tomatoes

1/2 red onion

3 garlic cloves

3/4c chicken broth

2t oregano

1t salt

1/2t pepper

3 zucchini, zoodled

1T olive oil

Fry Italian sausage, crumbling meat.

Make a slurry. Chop tomatoes and onion into large chunks and add to blender. Add garlic, broth, oregano, salt and pepper. Blend for 30 seconds (I like mine a little chunky, if you don’t like chunks blends until it is smooth).

Add slurry to sausage and bring to boil. When the slurry begins to boil, lower heat to simmer for 5 minutes.

Add zoodles and olive oil, toss to coat. Simmer for 6-8 minutes. At this point I taste the slurry and see if salt is needed, and I did add 1/4t salt to this.

To serve drizzle with parmesan.