I wanted to show you the wall you’ve been praying about. They are so close to being done! Thank you everyone for praying for that I really appreciate it and I have more things for you to pray about this week.

Beverly’s surgery when great. She’s already started her recovery, she’s been cleared to travel. Bev is going to spend Christmas with her family in Texas, which is something she hasn’t been able to do for quite a few years. Thank you so much for praying for her, the surgery, her recovery and please keep praying. We expect her to be back with us in February.

The students this last week studied budgeting: how to tell your money where to go versus watching it leave. Hopefully it’s something they’ll be able to use for quite some time, to lead lives that are honoring to God with their money.

Currently the students are taking a test. It’s a big test from observation interpretation and application plus Old Testament survey. I think they’re doing well, they stopped for a tea break and they were saying, ahhhhh Spirit help us. Thank you for praying for them as they finish the test today. Then they will be heading home to their families this weekend. Prayers for travel safety and that they would come back to us in January.

Also, this last week I cooked Nopales. Which those of you that I know in Mexico know that is Cactus. Harriet found some by her house and I said, hey you can eat that! So Harriet and I cooked up some Cactus to try. She was surprised it was pretty good. The only problem was getting all those little spines off, all the teeny tiny ones. I had so many stuck in my fingers because I didn’t have gloves. It was worth it though, so tasty.

Another exciting thing this week was the Women’s Bible School graduation. These pastors wives studied for two and a half years! I am so proud of them. So much hard work just to get them ready for more hard work, haha. And I adore them good would use them mightily. Thankful for their lives.

Coming up to keep covered in prayer:

Tonight we have movie night. We’re going to show The Chosen season 1 episode 1 and maybe show more of that in the future.

Ballad Christmas at The Bridge Calvary Chapel on Saturday from 2:00 to 5:00. We’ll get together and Worship the Lord for a little while.

Thank you guys for praying and Merry Christmas!! Talk to you next week.

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