Rice with a little something extra. Had a friend from church over for dinner and made a little orange feast for us. Memery’s Orange Rice is flavored with bay, rosemary, coconut aminos and yes, orange. Hope you enjoy this as much as we did.

Memery’s Orange Rice

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1c            white rice

3c            vegetable broth

1t            salt

1              bay leaf

2T-3T    orange juice

1T           coconut aminos

In a saucepan with a lid, add 3c vegetable broth, 1t salt, and 1 bay leaf, bring to a boil. Add 1c rice and simmer, covered, for 18-20 minutes.

Discard bay leaf, add juice from 1 orange (2T to 3T) and 1T coconut aminos, mix well.

Please note, this recipe was developed at high altitude, your cooking time may vary.

As pictured: served with Memery’s Orange Salmon and Memery’s Orange Broccoli.