Today Paul is here putting branding on the tents that we’re going to use at the conferences in the village. He’s adding the Called Christians logo. I’ve seen he’s done a couple already and they’re looking nice, so I’m happy about that.

Keeping you updated about what’s going on so that you could be praying for us:

The Good Friday service and Easter was last week. We planted the cross on Friday and then on Easter morning we went out and decorated it with live plants and flowers. To show that he’s alive, he is risen. It was a great time and it’s a wonderful tradition that they have here.

Last week was Anne’s birthday and my birthday was this week. I made everybody eat a vegan meal for dinner on my birthday. I don’t know if you know but I’m a vegan. The ladies said they enjoyed the vegan meal.

Next week is Bev’s birthday so give her a shout out if you haven’t.

We are also finalizing stuff for the team. They’re coming in 2 weeks!! Also, prayers because next week we’re going to make sure all the hotel reservations are set and ready to go in the Villages for the team. Plus all the activities here in Jinja.

I am planning the graduation celebration for the school of ministry/ worship because it’s going to happen fairly quickly after the team leaves. I’m trying to get that plan all done before they come so that it goes smoothly. That’s what’s going on here, thank you so much for praying.

God bless have a good day.

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