Was looking for a way to enjoy some leftover Rebecca’s Ragout. These sweet potato cakes were a perfect compliment to the bold flavors in the ragout. The roasted sweet potato cake with oregano, paprika and garlic fries up nicely, giving you that little extra crunch.

Savory Sweet Po Cakes

1c roasted sweet potato

1/2c bread crumbs

1t oregano

1t paprika

1t garlic powder

1T avocado oil

Combine 1c roasted sweet potato, 1/2c bread crumbs, 1t oregano, 1t paprika, 1t garlic powder. Mix together to form a ball, you may add more bread crumbs if your ball is not holding together. Divide the dough in two and form two patties. Heat a skillet on medium high heat. When the pan is hot add 1T avocado oil. When your oil is hot, lower the heat to medium. Add both patties, frying 2-3 minutes per side.

This makes 2 patties.

As pictured: with Rebecca’s Ragout