Signed up to bring meals to a friend, Travis, who is going through chemotherapy treatment. Please pray for him. Life is hard and small acts of kindness go a long way. Made him these biscuits to go with chicken noodle soup.

Sorry for the confusion about serving size, but I don’t know you. This makes between three and six servings. For me, this is six servings, but I know people who love biscuits and they would eat four biscuits each time, making only three servings. Eat you some bread if you love bread. These keep well so if you are a slow bread eater like me, pop a few in the freezer. I put two in a sealable bag and write on the outside what it is and when I should eat it by (these eat within six months).

Travis’ baking powder biscuits

2c Flour

1T Baking powder

1t Salt

1T Brown sugar

1/4c Coconut oil

3/4c Milk

1t Garlic powder

1t Parsley

1t Thyme

Preheat oven to 425 and spray a muffin pan with cooking spray.

Sift flour, baking powder and salt into bowl. Add rest of ingredients all at once and mix until just combined. I start with a spoon to get the mix going and then use my hands to finish this off. Moving dough around to pick up all the loose flour left in the bowl.

Adjustment note: if the dough seems too sticky, like large chunks sticking to your finger, add a little more flour until you are able to mix the dough with your hands and none sticks.

Then tear apart the dough into 12 biscuits.

I divide the dough in half, then divide that in half again. This smaller piece of dough I tear into 3, roughly the same size, pieces. To tear those three pieces I hold the dough in one hand and squeeze out about 1/3 of the dough between my thumb and first finger. Then twist to remove that piece. Placing each piece into the muffin pan.

Bake 425 for 15 minutes.

Let these cool in the pan for about 5 minutes. Then you can move them to a cooling rack to cool all the way or just eat ‘em right away.

Please note this recipe was developed at high altitude, your baking time may vary.

Alternatives – to change up your flavor and compliment your meal, try using the same spices in the biscuits that you are using in the main dish.

 Sage, garlic powder

Cilantro, garlic powder

Paprika, cumin, parmesan *

Cheddar, onion powder

  * note when adding cheese about 1/2 cup works well but remember, if you love cheese just use more.