I invited Helena over for dinner and found out she is gluten free. I had some coconut flour so thought a coconut biscuit with a coconut curry would do nicely.

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Helen’a’s Coconut Biscuit

3/4c coconut flour

1T baking powder

1/2t salt

2 eggs

2T coconut oil

1T water (maybe little more)

1/2t ginger powder

1/2t garlic powder

1/2t cumin

Preheat oven to 350 and grease a muffin tin.

Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Add the spices and combine all.

Add eggs and oil. Mix well. Start mixing together with a spoon and as it firms up use your hands to form a ball. Adding additional water (1T at a time) until you have a dough that holds together when you press it into a ball.

Divide this into 8 parts and press each down into the greased mold.

Bake at 350 for 11 to 13 minutes.

Let cool 8 minutes in the pan. Then you can eat away ! Or let them cool completely to enjoy later.

Please note this recipe was developed at high altitude, your baking time may vary.

Note: I chose these spices specifically to go with Helena’s Coconut Curry with Parsley Shrimp (pictured below). You can spice up these little beauties to compliment your main dish. Just change out the garlic, ginger, and cumin, for your own two or three choices..

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